
“Best Comedy”



“This is a comedy film which delivers big in a fun and unique way which doesn’t take itself too seriously.”

Questiny is a refreshing short comedy which tells the story of ‘Greg XIV’ attempting to find the barbarous warrior who killed generations of his royal male lineage.

Writer and director James Camali has created a memorable and hilarious film which will get big laughs amongst audiences. Camali sets his comedy in a fantasy setting which is typically used in more dramatic pieces. But this makes the film all the more hilarious in that it takes you off guard with what you’ve seen in other fantasy films, and turns it on its head.

Our hero ‘Greg XIV’ played to perfection by Ross Bergen, is a complete duck out of water in attempting to traverse the dense woods to protect his families honour. This gives the perfect backdrop to create hilarious moments such as Greg XIV’s attempt to abseil down a cliff which doesn’t go quite as planned. It’s scenes like this that remind the viewer that the hero doesn’t mean he’s the strongest or smartest one in the story.

Bergen plays the role with complete believability and has perfect comedic timing. He chews the scenery in every scene and he’s not afraid to look the fool which is sometimes lacking in other short comedy’s. The Queen of the Woods played expertly by Remington Moses, provides the perfect foil against Greg XIV which makes his heroic attempt for revenge all the more perfect.

This is a comedy film which delivers big in a fun and unique way which doesn’t take itself too seriously. Its high end production quality will give you the chance to relax and enjoy the film whilst be totally entertained.

— APEX Film Awards

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