
“Best Cinematography”



“It exhibits all the traits of what makes a film ‘cinematic’. ”

Existence is a visual narrative encapsulating the journey of creation and showcases a great understanding of cinematic visuals and use of VFX. Director Siddhartha Valluri pours his heart into this visually stunning short film which reflects his own understanding of architecture and love of filmmaking. It’s a perfect showcase for this director’s debut film.

The quality of VFX used throughout is inspiring and demonstrates a wide range of skills and ability. The use of lighting and textures makes the world feel expansive and cinematic. The camera work is in keeping with the symmetry of the structures and allows the viewer to see the whole picture. This would be enjoyable to watch on a cinema screen to get a real sense of the scale.

The use of lines and shapes in the worlds architecture is incredibly compelling, making for a stand out piece that will inspire audiences. There seems to be meaning behind each scene which the director delves into. The film is well framed and it exhibits all the traits of what makes a film ‘cinematic’.

The score from Ken Seng Thoumoung and Ranit Kumar Mandal feels big and rightly so. The visuals are compelling and deserve a piece which compliments them which they both deliver on. The classical orchestra theme was a good choice as opposed to a more expected Sci-Fi sound.

Its duration is short but manages to fit in a lot. It makes for a good proof of concept for a longer film with a more complete narrative. Something we hope Valluri pursues. Existence will certainly inspire VFX artists and those interested in learning it themselves.

— APEX Film Awards