Lili Marleen.

“Best Drama”



“It’s a compelling drama with superb performances and powerful storytelling.”

The Allied invasion is just one day old and Manning and his comrades from the 101st Airborne Division are trying to find their deployment site. Meanwhile, young soldier Paul and his comrade Manfred are in the rear of the invasion front, looking for their unit. Both Paul and Manning are struggling with their situation. Each has his own reason for wanting to come back home.

Period war films are challenging enough to produce but directors Jonathan Lamont Williams & Ludwig Bachmann manage to create a film that’s not only memorable, but with a real sense of authenticity. The story which was inspired by true events, is a perfect foundation to create a compelling film. Unlike many other popular war films, Lili Marleen shows the story from both sides as opposed to easily vilifying the Germans. The film takes its time to establish strong back stories and relationships for its characters to create a stronger emotional connection which makes the finale all the more dramatic.

The historical accuracy is worth noting here as the film isn’t a simple gun fight, there is a point to what the characters are doing and where it’s leading to. The props, location and costumes are fantastic and could go unnoticed due to it’s effective realism. This can also be said of the make up which isn’t overused, it’s subtle and believable which adds to the actors performances.

As for the performances, the lead cast are superb which is especially impressive considering the genre and time period. The range of emotions and actions throughout the film would challenge some actors, but not here. Marco Litta (Paul Hartwig) delivers a stand out performance which deserves to be mentioned. The flashback scenes are wonderfully captured and adds real emotion to the character which creates a vulnerability and understanding to him.

Ludwig Bachmann also acts as DOP and takes on the film with a complete understanding of visual storytelling. The production value looks impeccable and ready for the big screen. The visuals are equally complimented by the high quality sound design which doesn’t distract from the story. It’s authentic and mixed perfectly. The score from Clemens Weinhold beautifully captures the emotional struggle and desperation from the cast and elevates the performances. It doesn’t overpower the scenes and fits the genre perfectly.

Both directors should be very proud of this film and what they have made. It’s a compelling drama with superb performances and powerful storytelling. Audiences wont be disappointed. We thoroughly recommend it!

— APEX Film Awards